menstrual cycle diet plan

Acquire how to eat for all phases of your menstrual cycle to help your body be every bit healthy as possible. Cycling women tin use nutrition to help support hormone balance and ease of symptoms throughout the month.

grocery bag filled with healthy foods

Menstrual Cycle Significant

For cycling women of all ages, it's important to be aware of the ways that nutrition and food choices tin support our hormones.

Our menstrual cycles can be a quick measure of our overall health. The relative ease and regularity of your menstrual bike is an amazing piece of information that gives y'all insight most your overall health. In fact, some wellness professionals consider information technology to be the 5th vital sign.

The menstrual cycle is so important because it indicates whether or not a woman is healthy and prophylactic enough to reproduce. Reproduction is non essential to survival, so information technology is oft the offset system to "shut off" in times of disease or stress.

This ability to finish menstruating is the body's protection mechanism not to get significant in a less than optimal surroundings. Historically, this ofttimes occurred due to famine or other life-threatening circumstances. Today, a lack of a normal bike occurs due to stress, imbalanced hormones, or lack of nourishment.

Most women between the ages of 12-50 take between 10-12 cycles a year. Menstrual cycles should generally be betwixt 28-35 days, though this number may vary slightly. As long as your bicycle is normal for you and is consistent, that is a good sign.

As always, however, it'due south of import to consult your healthcare provider if you have changes in your cycle or if you miss more a couple of cycles and you aren't pregnant.

Information technology is normal to have some variations in our cycles. Even the season tin can cause changes. Certainly, i's age, stage of life, and level of stress tin likewise cause changes.

calendar with clock and notes

Overview of Iv Menstrual Phases

Nosotros oft remember of flow every bit the principal issue of a cycle, merely there are actually 4 phases in a cycle. One manner to monitor your changes from phase to phase is to continue a periodical of how yous are feeling each twenty-four hours and what food cravings or mood changes you have.

Menstrual Stage (Days one-5)

The first twenty-four hour period of haemorrhage marks the first day of your entire bike. Menstruation should occur from days i-5, though your specific period length may look unlike. Anywhere from 2-seven days is considered normal, though well-nigh women drain between 3-5 days.

During the menstrual stage, you lot are shedding your uterine lining from the previous bike. All hormones are depression for the start few days, with estrogen and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) begin to rise towards the end. Your trunk is also busy maturing several eggs for ovulation.

Follicular Stage (Days 7-16)

Afterwards yous stop bleeding, y'all move into your follicular phase, which occurs from days 5-14 (or from the last day of haemorrhage to ovulation). During this time, your trunk selects 1 ascendant follicle to nurture and grow in preparation for ovulation.

Estrogen rules this part of your cycle, along with luteinizing hormone to trigger ovulation. The end of the follicular phase is marked past ovulation, when the follicle bursts and releases an egg ready for fertilization.

Luteal Phase (Days 16-21)

Immediately after ovulation, your trunk remains hopeful for a fertilized egg to implant itself in your uterus. The luteal phase lasts from the end of ovulation to the premenstrual phase, roughly days 16-21.

During this luteal stage, progesterone rises, prompting the connected growth of a nutrient-dense uterine lining ready for implantation. The dominant follicle, now referred to as the corpus luteum, is primarily responsible for secreting the progesterone that will ensure a successful pregnancy if the egg has been fertilized.

Premenstrual Stage (Days 21-28)

From days 21-28, or the week before your next period, your body has gotten the message that is is not pregnant (if the egg is non fertilized). Thus, it begins preparing to shed the uterine lining and echo the bike over again. As the corpus luteum begins dying, it takes progesterone with information technology. Estrogen remains lower as well.

This phase is when many women experience premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. PMS often occurs due to depression progesterone levels, normally a result of poor follicle creation and/or unsuccessful ovulation (meaning the egg was not healthy enough or you lot did not ovulate at all.)

Your premenstrual stage ends with the kickoff solar day of existent bleeding, marker the first day of your adjacent wheel.

How to Eat for Each Phase

Your nutrition is a slap-up way to optimize each phase of your wheel. Non only practice you get to target potential symptoms with key nutrients, just your cycle is a congenital-in manner to rotate your foods and ensure variety in your diet.

nourish bowl with vegetables and avocado

Don't worry if you lot can't incorporate specific foods during each phase, merely you might desire to test if cycle syncing at to the lowest degree a few meals helps manage any unpleasant symptoms that you feel.

Foods for Menstrual Phase (Days one-5)

Your menstrual stage is a fourth dimension to rest and replenish. Your body is undergoing a controlled inflammatory response to shed your uterine lining, so nourishing yourself with nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods will help back up you at this fourth dimension.

Due to blood loss, iron-containing foods are the near of import. Nigh women also demand an iron supplement (see my recommendations of supplements for women of child-begetting age).

  • A sample repast for your menstrual stage could include Instant Pot Sweetness Tater & Beef Chili and a salad filled with iron-rich spinach, high-antioxidant berries, and good for you fats like sliced avocado and olive oil.
  • Steer clear of inflammatory sugary foods, but you tin can attend your magnesium levels and your mood with a few daily squares of dark chocolate or my recipe for Healthy Hot Chocolate.

Foods for the Follicular Phase (Days 7-16)

A lot of women feel all-time during their follicular phase when the trunk's fertility efforts are more than behind the scenes. Enjoy a normal balanced diet during this phase, incorporating plenty of nourishing foods to provide nutrients to a maturing follicle.

Play effectually with new recipes and foods during this easy phase of your bicycle!

  • A sample meal for your follicular phase could include food-dumbo foods similar eggs, broccoli, fruit, and basics.
  • Some women discover themselves prone to dehydration during their follicular phase due to the high levels of hormones, then incorporate more mineral-rich sea table salt and water during this time (try my recipe for Cucumber Lemon Infused Water).

Foods for the Luteal Phase (Days xvi-21)

During your luteal phase, you desire to showtime supporting your detoxification pathways to make it like shooting fish in a barrel to metabolize and eliminate the used hormones from your follicular phase.

Focus on liver-loving foods similar cruciferous vegetables, antioxidant-rich berries, and protein. Contain plenty of fiber to ensure yous're able to eliminate properly. You may consider eating easily digestible foods since some women can start to have digestive issues during this phase.

  • A sample repast for your luteal phase could include a pureed soup, which is typically like shooting fish in a barrel to digest. A dairy-free broccoli pureed soup is a great option (come across all of my dairy-free soup recipes).
  • You lot can also endeavor eating more foods with natural probiotics such as sauerkraut and kokosnoot yogurt to help with any digestive bug during the luteal phase.

Foods for the Premenstrual Phase (Days 21-28)

To help stave off cramps, headaches, and difficulty sleeping, you should definitely include magnesium-rich foods while continuing to support your detox pathways. Foods high in magnesium include basics and seeds, leafy greens, avocado, chocolate, and bananas.

  • A sample repast for your premenstrual phase may include a soothing smoothie made with magnesium-rich banana, cacao powder, almond butter, and avocado. Toss in some cruciferous kale or cauliflower for extra detox back up. Calculation in collagen peptides should supply you with the amino acids necessary to support bang-up sleep.


Can seed cycling help support hormone remainder?

Seed cycling, or the practice of ingesting different seeds for the 2 major phases of your wheel, tin help support hormone residuum for some women. Nevertheless, at that place has never been a large-calibration study performed to investigate the benefits of seed cycling.

Exercise all women demand to take iron?

Not all women will need to take iron during their menstruation phase, just most women exercise demand it. You should ever examination your ferritin levels earlier taking an fe supplement (learn more nigh which lab tests women should get).

What is a expert ferritin level? Why is ferritin important?

Information technology's important to consult your doc to decide what ferritin level is optimal for you. Ferritin is unlike than iron; it is a protein that controls the capacity of your body to store and release atomic number 26 as needed. If ferritin levels are low, you lot won't be able to store or release adequate atomic number 26 into your bloodstream.

Ferritin is important for many unlike mechanisms in your body. Iron is required for adequate T3 and T4 production and utilization. If the body senses low iron storage from low ferritin levels, it won't produce adequate thyroid hormones. Depression ferritin levels can likewise lead to depression energy, weakness, lightheadedness, and brittle hair and nails.

If y'all have the above symptoms, or if yous have especially heavy periods, it's wise to become your ferritin levels checked. Learn more near the reasons why you might always be tired.

What should I eat or which supplements should I take to balance my hormones?

There is no one-size-fits-all hormone protocol. Every woman is different and should get individual advice from a qualified practitioner. Having an adequate food intake with a varied, whole foods nutrition and supplementation is the first step in balancing your hormones. Acquire more about how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally.

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Eating for your cycle can be a nourishing way to support your hormonal health at every phase of your menstrual cycle. Focus on food-dumbo foods that can help you move through each phase with ease, from fe-rich foods in your menstrual phase to magnesium-rich foods in your premenstrual phase.

how to eat for your menstrual cycle infographic

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Note: this post is for informational purposes only and is non intended every bit medical advice. Delight consult your healthcare provider for recommendations related to your private situation.